Tiny Tunes with Big Vibes
The Music Videos
Music Videos on King Kogi YouTube
Tiny Tunes - Piano Freestyle
Exploring the world of music and music making has been exciting for me. It's wonderful to tweak and change a piano sound in order to find a "sound" that feels right to me.
Everyone is different, we all express ourselves differently and have different things that "vibe" or "do not vibe" with us. Sometimes it is difficult to explain why that is! It's just...a vibe.
I hope you can enjoy these tiny tunes, I don't plan or practice them in advance. They are purely made in the moment, unpolished with little bumps and imperfections here and there, just like all of us.
I hope sharing these little Tiny Tunes can encourage some of you to putter about and make some unpolished tiny tunes, tiny drawings, or tiny stories as well.
Each song released comes with a glance into the journal of Captain Martina,
King Kogi’s loyal friend, and also the Royal Scribe.
Captain Martina's Journal Entries
"The Tales of King Kogi" 👑🐷
“The Airship”
King Kogi's airship bounced gently through the night sky. Watching from the balcony of his castle, the clouds around him were piled up high in soft fluffy mounds of pastel pink and blue. Soundlessly, the ship drifted through the middle of a large cloud. The air around him turned hazy and pink. Tiny beads of moisture began to form on the railings and on the deck of the ship below. The patch of grass outside his castle was covered in dew drops. As the strange airship emerged from the cloud, the moon became clear in the night sky once again. The droplets caught the light and for a moment, tiny rainbow dots sparkled and glittered all over the ship. King Kogi smiled at the beautiful sight before him. Lapan was truly a beautiful and magical land. The airship picked up speed and the tiny droplets disappeared in the breeze.
It was a gorgeous evening aboard the airship. The starlight was glittering like flecks of rainbow as it filtered through the holographic balloon suspended above me. The soft paper lanterns strung all over the ship were at full brightness tonight. The moon was huge and clear, casting enough moonlight to fully charge the lunar batteries on King Kogi’s airship. The unusual airship was powered via lunar and solar energy, and it was propelled along by the wind currents. The airship blew this way, and drifted that way. When we needed to dock for supplies, we had the means to steer, but it was written in The Code of King Kogi to drift on the wind-currents until we spotted a new village, town, or region to visit.
The sky had faded from pastel lavender to blue. Last week, while refilling at Creamberry Docking Station, I met some excited tourists. They were enjoying a local favourite: deep-fried waffles filed with wild Creamberry fluff, and were marveling at our gradient skies. A pastel sunset is a common sight to behold within the land of Lapan, but it served as a good reminder to appreciate all that is around me.
Last week we met two locals while drifting. Bear and Bunny were on their way home from an adventure in space. King Kogi granted them docking privileges and the crew helped tether their rocket ship to our much larger airship. King Kogi greeted them and exchanged a few records he had picked up in Big Love City for a dozen jars of super rare homemade Stardrop Jam. He shared it with the crew during breakfast, and I ate it on toasted bread and butter. It was absolutely scrumptious.
King Kogi’s airship was caught up in a large gust of warm wind. It was quite a peculiar feeling, your hair being whipped upwards and downwards, this way and that way, like a jellyfish bobbing on your head. The warmer the wind, the higher up the ship was lifted. Bobbing further up, up, and above the towering purple rain clouds, the crew was still able to breathe with ease. King Kogi protected the ship daily with various scientific spells and charms. A few crew members were pointing excitedly from the upper deck. It was a rare sight indeed: several glittering Cloudbunny nests, tucked on the top of the mint clouds. A small Cloudbunny floated over and perched on the ships’ railing closest to me. It was nearly invisible to the eye, its wispy fur blending in with the colours and textures of the pink and mint clouds behind it. The clouds below were nearly out of rain, so the airship began to descend and with that, the Cloudbunny was gone.
“The Onyx Galaxy”
This month the Airship flew through the Onyx Galaxy. This part of the galaxy is quite scary at times due to the incredible darkness. Populated with absolutely enormous semi-transparent space squids, they pay us no attention as they silently float past. The nature of their bodies creates a ghostly effect as they silently pulse past. However, the luminous ink released from the space squids create a near blackout effect for those traveling through it.
Gigantic swirling inky clouds make a stygian blackness that suddenly roll over your ship, blotting out the stars and coating the lanterns along the ship's deck. It is hard to see the light, and it can feel like you'll never make it out of this darkness through to the other side. Yet, as long as you continue moving forward on your journey, no matter how slowly, the inky clouds eventually part and the stars and light once again glow.
I've left a star shatter glow stick in all of your rooms and crew quarters. It will light your way and provide a lumiencent pathway. It works by creating a glowing, almost rainbow ladder effect when shaken as each star shatter interacts with the next bit. Quite bright and colourful, like your personal rainbow galaxy. Feel free to wear that around your neck, attach it to your wheelchair or cane if you'd like to explore the dark upper decks as we pass through the Onyx Galaxy.
Your Captain, Martina & King Kogi

In 2008 I started making YouTube videos,
but they were missing a key element: music.
At the time, YouTube was still a baby and didn’t offer any royalty free music to its creators.
So using GarageBand, I made dozens of opening theme songs, background tunes,
and lighthearted K-Pop Music Monday sing-a-longs.
I’ve slowly upgraded and I’m now using Ableton Live, but I’m still a newbie. I’m in the process of learning how to Mix Down and Master my tracks.
Bear Bunny Music

I‘m working on a personal project involving an adventurous Bear and Bunny.
Sure, it may seem unlikely that a Bear and Bunny could become BFFs,
but they grew up together in the magical land of Lapan.
They live in the bustling city of Nokyo
and they’re often faced with pretty crazy situations,
but they always figure out how to deal with it.
Their tales will be spun through various mediums:
comics, animation, music videos,
and a soundtrack to accompany their many adventures.
I’ve been working with an artsy-fartsy friend on this project for over a year.
Hope to introduce you all to the
happy and hopeful adventures
of this duo sometime in 2021.
PS: King Kogi has a pastel flying castle and it’s located in Lapan.
It’s the same country where Bear and Bunny live.
Hmm…I wonder if they’ll ever meet…